Chile-Lime Seasoned Chicken Breast in Savory Gravy with Lemon-Mustard Spinach

I still have a few limes and lemons from last shopping trip so I'm using them in my recent dishes. This one also makes ample use of an Hispanic-foods seasoning I found at a local grocery called Tajin.

click pic for close-up


1/2 large boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 tsp. lime juice
2 tsp. Tajin seasoning
1 jar chicken gravy
2 tsp. butter
8 oz. frozen chopped spinach
1 tsp. brown mustard
1 tsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper

Coat chicken breast on both sides with 2/3 amount of Tajin and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Brown chicken with 1 tsp. of butter in skillet. Add lime juice and gravy. Simmer covered for 10 minutes. This essentially poaches the chicken in the gravy.

Melt remaining butter on medium heat in saucepan, add spinach, lemon juice and mustard. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer until cooked through.

After plating, sprinkle remaining Tajin on sliced chicken. Drizzle on a bit of the gravy. Sprinkle a touch of parsley for garnish.
